"Signs Are Taken for Wonders"
This painting was  inspired by experiences
in the Near East and personal contemplation
of religious archetypes. As the painting took
 life I realized it can  be interpreted in many ways: personal, religious, archetypal  psychological, and those to be figured out by the viewer.

The poem annulment is a strong poem that was written later  during a personal struggle.   If one looks closely through the veil of hurt and certain images within the painting, it could also  fit as  another interpretation of the painting, that is; questioning outdated dogmas and traditions of certain religions, the psychological damage and hurt caused  to those outside a particular faith.   It addresses the need for tolerance, consid- eration and true religious  love for individuals and families seemingly tossed aside.
Copyright and all
 reproduction rights on
paintings and poetry
 reserved by the artist and Cara Studios