Portfolios of Feminine Influence
From the artist:
Some of the paintings in this section were created during a period of great personal life changes. The creative process can be a powerful source for growth, healing and enlightenment. New avenues of study and contemplation are constantly presented to me and find their way into my paintings. A theme of great importance to me is the interconnectedness of all humans and our precious and fleeting place in the universe. A few of the paintings were inspired by my long time interest and participation in archaeology. Extended study of world cultures includes a deep interest in mythology, Jungian Psychology, the collective unconscious and ultimately the individuation process. Contemplation of our own place in this fascinating universe continues to deepen my interest in our many world religions, spirituality and higher consciousness studies.
Thank You for sharing a moment. I hope you
Do not miss
"Folded Wings" the ultimate adventure of
the mind, spirit and collective unconscious....under "Recent work and
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. Copyright and all reproduction rights to all artwork, poetry
and website design belong to the artist and Cara Studios