Taken from an article by The Herald Gazette,
February 15, 2005
Artwork by local artist and poet, Carol “Cara” Wubbena, was seen as a
short feature this month on “State of the Arts.” a quarterly
arts program on GPB.
Mitchell Zastrow,
Director of Photography at GPB, featured the artist’s fourteen foot
painting, “Watching Itself Discover Truth.” Details from the
painting, the artist's poetry read by Dr Jeanne Beckwith and music by
her son, composer James Wubbena and musical ensemble were
used on the program. All are part of a performance entitled
“Folded Wings, A Journey of the Spirit,” Carol hosts
public and private groups for the performance at Cara Studios. Tours of her unique studio/gallery, home in an historic
Carnegie Library are also given. Click on buttons below for more ore
"State of the Arts" is produced
by Georgia Public Broadcasting, Channel 30. It highlights
artists, art events and arts facilities in Georgia.
GPB Online Stream
Click on February 2005 and then Cara
Folded Wings, the event
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