An Ode to Water
Expertly designing a pond
over and over and over, a
sculpted body of water to
please my spirit. The circles
made me dizzy so early in
the morning. Suddenly
nervous system jangled,
my curves split apart. Short
circuited from a world of
uncontaminated creativity
I was shoved into “the now.”
My brain, synapses then
stalled, rendered the “artist”
inanimate to the voice
on the telephone.Past the time for morning
coffee, my absorption
flown, now the designated
designer stumbled outside
to do——something. Wilted
plants in the garden caught
my eye. Watering, yes,
a job to prod my lagging
inventiveness. And so I
happily doused all the
thirsty vegetation in sight
and then — with a
wonderful long clear spray,
I also lavished those that
adorned my balcony
along with
five books, three pamphlets
my breakfast room table,
“Roots of Consciousness,”
message on oneness, an
aboriginal tribe who found
water where no others could.
Origins, myths, mysteries
and “How to Build a Pond.”
Copyright © 1996,2006 Cara